The site is no longer being updated and the site is being taken down at the end of March 2023. See post here: ESM Checker Postmortem.
This will show the last month of stats on how ES Module adoption is progressing on a day-to-day basis. This keeps track of approximately 2000 popular NPM packages which can be explored in the Package Listing page on this site.
Exports Require
Exports No Require
Type Module
type_module: A module that explicitly set the type for the package to "module" which will treat all .js files as ESM by default.
exports_require: A module that has an "exports" field that explicitly has a "require" field which allows a module to be required with a CJS fallback.
exports_no_require: A module that has an "exports" field that does not have a "require" field, so it may not have a CJS fallback.